Developer Ignite – July 22

The speakers have been announced for Developer Ignite! Looks like I’m going to be one of them! I’m excited to watch all of these presentations!

Barry Stahl: Simplicity Through Abstraction
The goal of this presentation is to explore, at a very high level, one methodology for software developers and architects to create software that is simple and maintainable, and thus has a lower total-cost-of-ownership (TCO).

Ben Atkin: jQuery Plugin Development
I would like to tell people how to develop a neat and useful jQuery plugin. It will likely be some type of widget. I think it will benefit the development community by encouraging people to explore jQuery and JavaScript and see more of their potential.

Bill Mar: Beagleboard and Spark Community Projects
My presentation is “Beagleboard and Spark Community Projects” to tell the story of how the Beagleboard community project got started and how I and some other people got Microsoft Windows Embedded into the act with free tools for the hobbyist/startup community.

Bret Feddern: What You Don’t Know About ColdFusion Will Knock You on Your A$$
Most of the Developers and Companies I come across are Ruby on Rails, or PHP, or .NET, and they use WordPress, Joomla, or SharePoint, etc. Few know the true potential behind ColdFusion and what CF has to offer. With my 5 minutes, I will give an overview of just how awesome CF is and why other developers in the area should be more open to it.

Brian Shaler: Physical Computing With Arduino
As a software developer with no background in electrical engineering, physical computing was always a little out of my reach. Thanks to Arduino — the exciting open source hardware-firmware-software platform — the barrier to entry for software developers has been lowered significantly. Within minutes, you can be interacting with real world inputs (sensors) and outputs (LEDs, servos, etc).

Chris Chandler: Cryptography
We use RSA and AES all the time, but what makes them tick? What are the other options? Why should we care? The storage, transmission, and management of sensitive data usually requires that it is enciphered. This is a 5 minute presentation on cryptographic algorithms and key management.

Evo Terra: Get Out of Your Cube!
In the last 3 years, Phoenix has seen the creation and expansion of several community-based social groups and activities that are “developer-friendly”. Real people getting together in real life to talk, drink, listen, learn and generally have loads of fun. These formal and informal “meetups” take place all over the valley and each have their own charm. In this talk, I’ll talk about many and point you into the direction where you can find more!

Gary Attarian: Programming by the Rules
(Will be posted soon)

Remi Taylor: You’re Doing it Wrong!
You’re doing it wrong and you should be ashamed of yourself! If you’re not testing your code, your clients should fire you. If you’re not test-driving your code, your co-workers should set you on fire!

Robert Attarian: On Real Time Embedded Systems
(Will be posted soon)

Saul Mora: CSS3 + HTML5 = Awesome
CSS + HTML is how the web works. Let’s go over, not just the cool features of CSS3 + HTML5, but why they will be awesome for future web development.

Scott Cate: Version Numbering your Software
Version Numbering your software. Does this even matter? Are version numbers used more than just to later identify what version a file is? Well in our world it matters deeply. We’ll spend five minutes talking about how source control, an automated build environment, and an integrated version “labeler” can better your software management process.

One Reply to “Developer Ignite – July 22”

  1. I know that it must be really hard to understand that people have faults, such as spelling. As annoying as it is to look at a word and know that it is wrong, wow that must be tough, it might be even harder to consider the difficulty of constantly using a spell checker with every word you type. I have a masters degree and am dyslexic the basic degree of education will always undermined me. People will always hold this over my head yet when they can not do simple math that involves change or tips people will not hold that agents them. I am so sorry that this is such a pet peeve may you never know the complexities of knowledge.

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